Get ready for Scrum Day Wisconsin, featuring thoughtful discussions and short, interactive training on the Scrum framework. Scrum Day is scheduled for September 14, 2023, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. There is no better, more affordable opportunity to learn from Scrum experts and colleagues.
Whether you're a Product Owner, Developer, Scrum Master, or leader supporting a Scrum Team, attending Scrum Day will give you the insights and practical tools you need to level up your practice.
Scrum Day speakers include Dave West, CEO of and Keith McCandless. co-creator of Liberating Structures. Scrum Day will include four learning tracks:
Leadership - Featuring speakers focused on topics from Agile Transformation to how to support Agile teams, the Leadership track is for managers, directors and other leaders supporting Agile teams.
Product Owner - The Product Ownership track will successful Product Owners from leading organizations who will share their success and learnings. Scrum Day offers practical, informative learning opportunities attendees can put into practice immediately.
Scrum Master - The Scrum Master track will include discussions from leading Scrum trainers offering insights which you can apply to help coach your Scrum teams to improve the adoption of Scrum at your organization.
Developer - The Developer track will include a discussion of key skills relevant to those fulfilling the Developer accountability on a Scrum team - from cross-functionality to self-management.
Signup for Scrum Day by April 30, 2023, to receive the early bird price of just $495 for a full day of learning.