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Accelerating Growth
Peer-to-Peer Coaching for Agile Teams

Are you ready to experience the true power of peer-to-peer coaching within Agile teams? Join us for an engaging session at Scrum Day, where leaders, Scrum Masters, product owners, and developers come together to unlock solutions and refine prototypes through quick round-robin "consultations."
In this session, we will delve into the art of peer coaching, where participants will engage in meaningful exchanges tailored to their roles. Shawn Belling will guide leaders and other key members through the process of asking questions and seeking immediate advice and support from one another. The goal is to extend coaching beyond formal reporting relationships and foster a culture of collaboration and growth within Agile teams.

Leaders of organizations using Scrum, Scrum Masters, and product owners will find immense value in this interactive experience. Typical coaching relationships often involve senior leaders guiding product owners on strategic alignment and maintaining constant communication with executive leaders. This crucial conversation forms the backbone of any organization using Scrum effectively.

Additionally, we will explore the unique relationship between Scrum Masters and product owners. The success of Agile teams heavily relies on the performance and collaboration of product owners. As such, Scrum Masters must develop strong relationships with product owners and be prepared to offer coaching and support when needed.

Throughout the session, we will discover everyday solutions, identify patterns, and empower individual growth within Agile teams. The simplicity and effectiveness of peer-to-peer coaching create an environment where participants can learn from one another's experiences and expertise.

Key takeaways from this session include:


  1. Practical insights into peer-to-peer coaching for enhanced problem-solving and innovation.

  2. Strategies to extend coaching beyond traditional hierarchical boundaries within Agile teams.

  3. A deeper understanding of the critical communication loop between leaders, product owners, and Scrum Masters.

  4. Techniques to address common impediments related to product owners and foster successful Agile projects.

  5. Opportunities to network and collaborate with like-minded professionals in the Agile community.

Prepare to immerse yourself in a dynamic and supportive environment, where you will gain valuable skills to amplify individual growth and drive success within your Agile teams. Join us at Scrum Day for an enriching experience that will transform the way you approach coaching and teamwork in Agile environments.


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